Lilac French bulldog puppies

Lilac French bulldog puppies

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How much is a lilac French bulldog puppies?

Lilac French Bulldogs are often mistaken for blue Frenchie, but they are much more unique and more challenging to come by. With their striking pale brown or greyish blue hue, lilac French Bulldog are easily recognizable and highly desirable for many dog lovers. Beyond their distinctive appearance, lilac French Bulldogs are known for their friendly and affectionate personalities. They are loyal, playful, and love to be around their owners. However, because of their rarity and unique coloration, lilac French Bulldogs may be more expensive than other French Bulldog varieties. The average Lilac French Bulldog puppy can range between $5,790 and $6,490 USD.

Average price:

– Girls: 5,990-6,490 USD

– Boys: 5,790-5,990 USD

These dogs are highly sought after and considered “designer,” which has allowed for their price to rise so much. 

Are lilac French Bulldogs rare?

Absolutely Yes, Lilac French Bulldogs are considered as a rare.  It is a new color variation in the French Bulldog breed In a world where a standard French Bulldog costs several thousand dollars, these rare colors can sell for tens of thousands. Breeding for the lilac coloration is also a complicated process, as it requires two copies of the dilution gene to produce a lilac-colored puppy. Because of this, lilac French Bulldogs are generally more expensive than other colors of French Bulldogs.

How can I tell if my Frenchie is lilac?

The coat of the lilac French bulldog is a lovely shade of lilac. This disorder is caused by the same diluting gene that causes blue hair. The coat’s color is a pale greyish brown, according to some. Their eyes and lips have delicate pink markings, and their noses are usually light pink or greyish brown in color.

Is my Frenchie lilac or blue?

While they seem very similar at first glance, the key difference between lilac French bulldogs and blue French bulldogs is that the brown gene is absent in lilac French bulldog puppies, giving them a more purple hue


Lilac French Bulldog is a unique color variation. This Frenchie have a coat color that is a diluted shade of chocolate brown, resulting in a pale, bluish-grey hue that is commonly referred to as “lilac.” The lilac coloration is a relatively new color variation and is considered rare. Lilac French Bulldogs typically have light-colored eyes, usually green or blue, and a pinkish nose.


So the lilac coloring comes from a combination of the genes on the D-locus (blue gene) and the B-locus (chocolate gene). These genes are both recessive meaning they have to inherit two copies of the blue and chocolate gene to be lilac (d/d b/b).
GeneLilac French Bulldog
Base Color (B)bb
Dilution (D)DD
Intensity (I)II
Combining these genes, you get the genetic makeup of a lilac French Bulldog.

Breeding Practices

French bulldogs have unusually small hips and an oversized head. This makes it quite difficult for the male to mount the female naturally. When it comes to breeding French bulldogs, artificial insemination is the safest and most effective way.
The process of making Breeding
1.Choose dogs with good breeding histories.
2.Track your bitch’s ovulation cycle.
3.Put the dogs together when the bitch is ovulating.
4.Get help from your vet for artificial insemination instead of physically breeding the dogs. 


If you want to know about get an idea of the an ideal temperature range for a French bulldog, it has to be somewhere in the range of 15°C (59°F) and  21°C (70°F). 
And, you have to be really careful about the temperature going up on the weather turning chilly because anything up to 26°C (80°F) and lower than 7°C (45°F) can be a potential danger to your breed in below.
Temperature RangeDescription
Below 50°F (10°C)Risk of hypothermia, provide warm shelter
50-60°F (10-15°C)Cool but generally safe
60-70°F (15-25°C)Ideal temperature range
70-80°F (25-27°C)Warm, monitor for signs of overheating
Above 80°F (27°C)High risk of heatstroke, keep cool and hydrated

Even your French bulldog will start showing discomfort at in 10°C (50°F). 
The temperature thresholds can differ with their age. 

Health Considerations

All dog breeds, Lilac French Bulldogs can be prone to a certain health problems, and it’s important to be aware of these issues to ensure that your dog stays healthy and happy. Here are the some of the most common health problems that can affect Lilac French Bulldogs:
Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome incorporates stenotic nares (small nostrils), elongated soft palate, everted laryngeal saccules, laryngeal collapse, and hypoplastic trachea; and affected dogs and cats may have any combination of these disorders.
Respiratory issues:
Respiratory diseases are common in dogs. Although signs such as coughing and labored breathing are most commonly caused by problems of the respiratory tract, they may also occur because of disorders of other organ systems, such as congestive heart failure.
Joint problem:
Hip dysplasia is a common orthopedic condition that can affect French Bulldogs, as well as many other dog breeds. It occurs when the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to a poor fit between the ball and socket of the hip joint.
Skin allergies:

Lilac French bulldog have an skin allergies, which can cause itching, redness, and hair loss. Allergies can be triggered by food, environmental factors, or parasites. Treatment can involve identifying and eliminating the source of the allergy and medication to manage symptoms.

Eye problem:

As French Bulldogs are more prone to eye infections, conjunctivitis is also more common in this breed. These are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections or allergic reactions


French Bulldogs are fun and easy-to-train breed. French Bulldogs receive a lot of affection from their humans. Nevertheless, just because of their cuteness and small little size, doesn’t mean they don’t need structure and good manners too. 


StepTraining Task
1Start Frenchie Puppy Potty Training Early:
– Begin training upon bringing the puppy home.
– Establish a consistent schedule.
– Take outside frequently, especially after meals.
Step– Use positive reinforcement for successful potty.
2Your French Bulldog Needs Positive Reinforcements:
– Use treats, praise, and affection for good behavior.
– Ignore or redirect unwanted behaviors.
Step– Consistently reinforce desired behaviors.
3Socialize Your Frenchie with Other Dogs:
– Introduce to various environments and people.
– Gradually expose to different experiences.
Step– Encourage positive interactions with other dogs.
4Use the Proper Frenchie Training Tools:
– Choose appropriate tools like harness and leash.
– Consider clickers or verbal cues for commands.
– Be patient and consistent with training tools.


One of the most in-demand of rare colors is the Lilac French Bulldog. The lilac Frenchies are only produced occasionally and usually by breeders limited to the West Coast of the United States
YearPopularity RankingNumber of Registrations

Care Guide keep your French Bulldog healthy


Lilac French Bulldogs can range depending on their quality, sex, and breeding pair. The Lilac Color Frenchie Family includes the following colors & patterns: Lilac, light purple base w/ very little white on face or feet. Lilac Piebald, lilac patches and body being predominantly white. Lilac French Bulldog price  range from $3,000 – $5,000.
Lilac French Bulldog Price Range
Pet Quality: $3,000 – $5,000
Show Quality: $5,000 – $10,000+
Rare or High-Quality Bloodline: $10,000+
Breeding Rights (if available): Additional $1,000 – $5,000+


How much is a lilac French bulldog puppies?

Lilac Blue French Bulldog

Lilac French Bulldog price  range from $3,000 – $5,000.
Pet Quality: $3,000 – $5,000
Show Quality: $5,000 – $10,000+
Rare or High-Quality Bloodline: $10,000+

How rare is a lilac Frenchie?

Lilac Blue French Bulldog

Lilac French Bulldogs are considered as a rare.  It is a new color variation in the French Bulldog breed In a world where a standard French Bulldog costs several thousand dollars, these rare colors can sell for tens of thousands.

What are the health issues with lilac French Bulldogs?

Lilac French bulldog

2.Respiratory issues.
3.Joint problem.
4.Skin allergies.
5.Eye problem.

Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome incorporates stenotic nares (small nostrils), elongated soft palate, everted laryngeal saccules, laryngeal collapse, and hypoplastic trachea; and affected dogs and cats may have any combination of these disorders.
Respiratory issues:
Respiratory diseases are common in dogs. Although signs such as coughing and labored breathing are most commonly caused by problems of the respiratory tract, they may also occur because of disorders of other organ systems, such as congestive heart failure.
Joint problem:
Hip dysplasia is a common orthopedic condition that can affect French Bulldogs, as well as many other dog breeds. It occurs when the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, leading to a poor fit between the ball and socket of the hip joint.
Skin allergies:
Lilac French bulldog have an skin allergies, which can cause itching, redness, and hair loss. Allergies can be triggered by food, environmental factors, or parasites. Treatment can involve identifying and eliminating the source of the allergy and medication to manage symptoms.
Eye problem:
As French Bulldogs are more prone to eye infections, conjunctivitis is also more common in this breed. These are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections or allergic reactions

Are lilac French Bulldogs healthy?

Lilac French Bulldog

All dog breeds, Lilac French Bulldogs can be prone to a certain health problems, and it’s important to be aware of these issues to ensure that your dog stays healthy and happy. Here are the some of the most common health problems that can affect Lilac French Bulldogs.


In a Conclusion, Lilac French Bulldog puppies are a stunning and unique breed as they have gained popularity in recent years. With their distinct coat color and charming personalities, they make wonderful companions for anyone seeking a loyal and affectionate pet.

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